Sunday 1 June 2014

Pending 6th Mass Extinction... Calling for Conservation of Biodiversity!

Dr David Ulansey, 2014
Five times the vast majority of life on Earth has been snuffed out in what have been termed ‘Mass Extinction’ events - often associated with giant meteor strikes. Palaeontologists characterise Mass Extinctions as a 75 per cent species loss in a geologically short period that is not balanced by speciation.
Although scientists are divided over the specific numbers, many believe that the rate of loss is greater now than at any time in history. There have been predictions that up to one-fifth of all living species could disappear within 30 years. Nearly all attributed the losses to human activity, especially the destruction of plant and animal habitats.
The rate at which species are being lost is far greater than any events of the past - including those extinctions related to meteor collisions - causing species to become extinct at least 1,000 times faster than they did before humans arrived on the scene.
[The last mass extinction caused by a meteor collision saw to the end of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago.]
The majority of biologists are convinced that a sixth mass extinction is underway, yet most citizens are only dimly aware of the issue.

These striking graphical images may help in visualising the scenario.

Image source: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Bill Marshall, The New York Times 2012.

Extinctions are natural, however what is concerning about the current extinctions is the rate of which they are occurring. The big deal is that if species are lost, they are lost forever - meaning that we lose all of what we could have learned. Furthermore, the loss of one species usually leads to the loss of another as every life form is linked through complex interrelationships.

While the numbers are alarming, there are solutions and mitigating measures that must be implemented on a large-scale. For instance, sanctuaries and fishing restrictions have been shown to allow populations to rebound and equipment developments reduce by-catch of target fish. It makes economic sense for the fishing industry to adhere to conservation measures and to invest in the expansion of sustainably viable aquaculture as part of the answer to dwindling fish numbers.

Recent substantial progress has been made in determining the identity and distributions of vulnerable species and in understanding where and how human activity is leading to extinctions. Around 1.9 million animal species are described with key statistics about the species, distribution and their status, however the great majority are not. A paper by Pimm et al. review the current state of knowledge and examine what the future rates of species extinction will be, how well protected areas of sanctuary will slow extinction rates, and how the remaining gaps in knowledge might be filled.

Armonah Deviant, 2012 deviantART

'Call of Life' Facing the Mass Extinction Trailer

This is the lengthy trailer ... for the shorter version that only goes for a couple of minutes, click HERE :)

Conserving biodiversity is also essential for the invaluable provisioning of Earth’s ecosystems that irrevocably contribute to wellbeing. Human societies are dependent on the biodiversity of ES, which is the foundation of economic value and human welfare. Subsequently, anthropogenic values on ES has led to the vast destruction of ecosystems and resource over-exploitation, and hence biodiversity loss, which necessitates critical sustainable management. For the maintenance of human societies for our future generations’ welfare, it is therefore critical that we protect biodiversity, including its genetic resources.
Biodiversity is also cherished for its aesthetic values, and constitutes moral and ethical reasons for its conservation. Moreover, moral reasoning and respect for living species as unique co-inhabbitors of the Earth, that have also resulted from millions-of-years of evolution and the right to existence, are ethical reasons for conserving biodiversity.
Although there is growing public awareness for the importance of species variation in an ecosystem or throughout the biosphere, human actions are continuing to dismantle Earth’s ecosystems; eliminating genes, species and biological traits at alarming rates, spiralling towards extinctions. It has been confirmed that current extinction rates, in regards to geological-time, are exceeding those caused by previous MEs; hence biologists have speculated that the sixth may be underway. The current extinction crisis is equally dramatic, as species are being lost at rates far exceeding the balance of speciation, and in contrast to previous ME events, this one is mainly due to human activities. Moreover, Barnosky et al.’s findings (2013) reveal the urgency of relieving the pressures that are pushing extant species towards extinction and therefore intensifying the need for effective conservation measures for biodiversity. These alleviating preventions will contribute to the sustainability and functioning of ecosystems in their entirety. This is therefore a major motivation for conserving biodiversity, which in turn, contributes to human welfare.
It is now evident that societies are responsible for the welfare of the planet’s biosphere through sustainable management to maintain the vital healthy functioning of its ecosystems. Biodiversity loss, therefore, has dynamic effects on the function of ecosystems, and thus ultimately affects society. These principle explanations for biodiversity conservation involve social and economic factors that require sustainable management. Urgent measures are therefore necessary for biodiversity conservation, with our fundamental objectives constituting its sustainable use to ensure the health and functioning of ecosystem services for future generations. We have the capacity for conscious protection and management of ES which necessitates biodiversity conservation.

This is a fantastic example of what should be getting air-time on T.V. in order to get these messages across...
instead of the consumerism garbage that fuel these issues in the first place.
From the Academy Award winning filmmakers of THE COVE comes the movie “6”[]

I feel that it is a “tip of the ice-berg” situation, and we must take cautious action now, to mitigate the disastrous outcome that is underway. We may be maintaining biodiversity until eternity.
Nevertheless, it is not all bleak news of doom and gloom. There are occurrences of many positive efforts of conservation and sustainable management that I believe need to be highlighted. These reinforcements of awareness, perspective and action set a positive example to be followed. Everyone should take some part in conserving species and their habitat.

Barnosky, A., Maguire, K., Mersey, B., Ferrer, E., Matzke, N., Tomiya, S., … Lindsey, E. (2011) Has the earth's sixth mass extinction already arrived? Nature, 471(7336), 51-57.

Cardinale, B. J., Wardle, D. A., Kinzig, A. P., Daily, G. C., Loreau, M., Grace, J. B., … Tilman, D. (2012) Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity. Nature, 486(7401), 59-67.

Pimm, S.L., Jenkins, C.N., Abell, R., Brooks, T.M., Gittleman, J.L, Joppa, L.N., Raven, P.H., Roberts, C.M. & Sexton, J.O. (2014) The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection. Science 344(6187), 1095-9203 (online).

Saturday 31 May 2014

footage: Tigers eat Whale!

I wanted to post this awesome footage that follows on from my post in May:

Tigers eat Whale!

This collection of footage by the Coral Bay crew shows the 3 day progression of what happens when a humpback whale died and washed over the reef.

Please watch and share to increase the understanding of the value of sharks as apex predators, which are vital for the health of our marine ecosystems.


Saturday 24 May 2014

a “song” for the ladies…

The tail flukes of a humpback whale as it takes a dive on the Ningaloo Reef
An important behavioural aspect of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a complex vocalization by the males known as a "song". All singing whales that have been sexed, by either genital region observation or molecular analysis, have been male. Male humpback singing occurs primarily during migration en route to and at winter breeding grounds. While on their winter breeding grounds of the North West Australian coast (primarily June – November), male humpback whales produce these long sequences of structured vocalizations –

“songs” – These males may be “singing” to their ladies.

Click here for an example of humpback whale song!

One of the intriguing aspects of song is its dynamic character and may be structurally described as a succession of four to seven themes during a song session, which may last for hours and then be repeated all over again. The song undergoes change throughout the season in a given geographical winter region (such as the NW coast of Australia and Hawaii), however all whales in the region adopt the new changes, apparently through a process of vocal mimicry. Singers are typically found alone and stationary at depths of around 15-30 m, although, it has also been noted that they sing en route or occasionally while accompanying a mother-calf pair.
Various functions have been proposed for song, including sexual advertisement, the maintenance of spacing between males, the synchronization of ovulation in females, and a means for male-male assessment of each other, although the functions of song continue to be elusive.
The concentration of singing humpback whales exhibit many features typical of a “lek” mating system. Defined in simple terms, a lek is a group display of males that females attend primarily for the purpose of mating during the breeding season. Because individual males do not appear to be territorial, as would be the case on a classic lek, it has been suggested that the humpback whale mating system may be classified as a "floating lek". The broad participation of males may be interpreted as a lekking aggregation and the asynchronous singing chorus as an occurrence of resulting mutualism. The participation of many singers may attract more females to the singing “hotspot” area by a heightened signal level. Sexually mature males can benefit through access to more females while immature males may gain deferred “hotshot” benefits through increased opportunities to learn and practice the social, behavioural, and acoustical skills of singing, along with the conventions of the winter grounds, which can be applied in later years.

The humpbacks are already making their way up the Coral Coast and will be sure to make a song and a splash about it!

A humpback whale breaches full body out of the water at the Ningaloo Reef on the Coral Coast.


Dawbin, W.H. (1997)  Temporal segregation of humpback whales during migrations in Southern Hemisphere waters.  Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 42, 105-138.

Herman, L. M., Pack, A. A., Spitz, S. S., Herman, E. Y. K., Rose, K., Hakala, S., & Deakos, M. H. (2013) Humpback whale song: Who sings? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67(10), 1653-1663.

The Dolphin Institute (2002) Humpback Whale: Natural History and Ecology. The Dolphin Institute, viewed May 2014 <>.

Valsecchi, E., Hale, P., Corkeron, P., & Amos, W. (2002) Social structure in migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Molecular Ecology, 11, 507-518

Winn, H.E., & Winn, L.K. (1978) The song of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the West Indies.  Marine Biology, 47, 97-114.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Tigers eat Whale!

Recent activities of the Coral Coast Crew! 

… Moving on from whale sharks to update you on sharks eating whales!

- Earning their stripes as the appropriately nicknamed 
“garbage man of the sea”.

A deceased humpback whale was recently washed across the Ningaloo Reef at Coral Bay. 
In-tow was a pretty impressive cohort of tiger sharks.

The entire carcass was munched to the bone in under 12 hours, which highlights the efficiency of these ‘Coral Coast Crew’ members at cleaning up a big mess. Imagine the stinking mess on the shore-line without this proper garbage removal system.

Tiger sharks truly are the ‘garbage men of the ocean’ and are vital to the health of the marine ecosystem as an apex predator.

All photos by MIGRATION MEDIA 2014 Coral Bay
There is wicked footage by I am having trouble getting it on here... check out the facebook group (Post: May 21)

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a species of requiem shark and the only member of their genus. This relatively large macropredator is capable of attaining a length of over 5 m and is found in many tropical and temperate waters.
Renowned for its voracious appetite and indiscriminate feeding habits, the tiger shark has been known to consume an incredible array of items (including human rubbish) besides its standard fishy prey. This behaviour enables these sharks to overcome food shortage problems, which can affect species that feed more selectively. The tiger shark’s curiosity and tendency to sample such a wide variety of objects has unfortunately, meant that on occasion it has been responsible for attacks on humans. These misunderstanding can be fatal as a result of its large size, but are extremely rare in spite of a great deal of media hype. They are actually an incredibly beautiful creature and it is an exhilarating experience to swim beside them in a peaceful and respectful manner.
Apart from these occasional gatherings to feast, the tiger shark is a solitary species that usually more active at night, moving to inshore locations where it engages in active hunting of prey, as well as scavenging, before returning to deeper waters where it spends the day.

and this is all that remains 3 days later... totally stripped clean, down to the bone!!


Arkive (2013) The Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). Arkive organisation, viewed 22 May 2014 <>.

Heithaus, M. R. (2001) The biology of tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, in Shark Bay, Western Australia: Sex ratio, size distribution, diet, and seasonal changes in catch rates. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 61(1), 25-36.

All photos by MIGRATION MEDIA 2014 Coral Bay

Thursday 8 May 2014

“A Cosmopolitan Sanctuary for a fishy entourage”

Flowing on from my previous blog post, there may be some curiosity as to why there are other species of fish that feature alongside, in front of and even attached to the whale shark.
Photo courtesy of Ningaloo Reef Dive - Migration Media 2014

These cosmopolitan gentle giants of the Coral Coast are relatively slow moving cruisers of the open ocean.
Hence, they are actually like a moving reef sanctuary!
It is very rare to see a large wild whale shark without an entourage...
Photo courtesy of Ningaloo Reef Dive, by Migration Media 2014
This little whale shark came with his own entourage of juvenile golden trevally! This was an amazing day with over 40 whale sharks spotted in the area by Coral Bay's spotter plane!!

Remoras, pilot fish, and juvenile golden trevallies are often seen “hitching a ride” on or in its wake, even around their mouths. In these symbiotic relationships are generally ‘commensalistic’, in which the smaller fish are benefiting while the whale shark is unaffected. The smaller fish gain protection, in some cases a free ride, and a meal catching scraps of food. However, the whale sharks may still gain some benefit if any skin parasites are eaten and [in the case of the footage featured in the previous blog, see below] the occasional snack out of the shoal themselves. This may be considered as an example of a ‘trade-off’ for the protection that the small school of fish receives as a whole. Often larger pelagic fish (like cobia) will also shadow the whale sharks, including other shark species such as bronze whalers, which lurk in the depths below, in perchance of an easy side-meal from its entourage.

Watch: Remoras, Cobias & Rainbow Runners

As they are typically thought lead a life of solitude, the whale sharks may actually 'enjoy the company' out on the open ocean, although, I have found that this may not always be the case.
Whilst working as a ‘lead swimmer’ guiding on whale shark swim tours, I have had a tiring experience trying to keep up swimming with a 6m juvenile whale shark that visibly seemed distressed about all the attention it was receiving from its entourage. This whale shark was swimming unusually erratically, seemingly trying to rid itself of the cloud of trevally, pilot fish and remoras encircling it and clearly ‘getting in its face’.
We left him in peace to deal with his 'frustrations' and to come to terms with his relationship with the remoras that would inevitably "stick around" for a life-long relationship.

Stewart, B. S., & Wilson, S. G. (2005). Threatened fishes of the world: Rhincodon typus (smith 1828) (rhincodontidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes74(2), 184-185.

Wilson SG, Polovina JJ, Stewart BS, Meekan MG (2006) Movements of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) tagged at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Marine Biology148, 1157–1166.

Wolfson, F.H. & Notarbartolo-di-Sciara, G. (1980) Whale Shark Bibliography. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library. UC San Diego: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library. Retrieved from:

Friday 2 May 2014

The world’s largest living fish!

Along the Coral Coast, on Australia's most accessible coral reef system, the Ningaloo Reef is one of the most reliable places on the planet to encounter the world's largest extant fish; the majestic WHALE SHARK (Rhincodon typus).
A whale shark with particularly striking pattern morphology, Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef - Migration Media 2014

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the sole member of its genus and the family, Rhincodontidae.
The reason for their possibly confusing title is because this species of shark, like many whales, are filter-feeders, and so along with their large size, they have been so-called ‘whale sharks’. These "large, dopey, spotty fish" (as I affectionately call them) are harmless, unless you are a tiny piece of plankton, or get in the way of their powerful caudal fin (tail). Their diet comprises mostly of tiny krill and plankton which they sift out of the water through their gills. 
Whale sharks are large migratory marine filter-feeders that aggregate in the Ningaloo waters annually from February/March to June/July. Their arrival of whale sharks to the waters of the Ningaloo Reef coincides with the cascading biomass production that follows the coral spawning events.

Coral Spawn - Migration Media 2014
A whale shark cruising the outer Ningaloo Reef - Migration Media 2014

Check out the footage of this interesting behaviour. 
Plankton, it seems, is not the only food for a whale shark...

Whale Shark - BBC Planet Earth

They are the largest extant shark (hence the largest fish) species in the world!
Of this largest known extant fish species, the largest confirmed individual was 12.65 m with a weight of more than 21.5 metric tons (unconfirmed reports of considerably larger whale sharks exist). Claims of individuals over 14 m long and weighing at least 30 mt are not uncommon (they really are HUGE; the biggest that I have swum with were as big as our 12m charter vessel!). The whale shark boasts many titles for sheer size in the animal kingdom, most notably being by far the largest living non-mammalian vertebrate, rivalling many of the largest dinosaurs in weight, owing to its aquatic life. Whale sharks are found in warm tropical waters and live in the open ocean, reaching sexual maturity at around 30 years with a lifespan estimated to be 70-100 years (there is much unknown!).

What is the purpose of their distinctive spotty patterns?
Like many species that frequent the ocean’s surface, whale sharks are counter-shaded. They have white bellies (which makes them hard to see if a potential predator is underwater and looking up at them) and dark backs (which makes them difficult to see if the predator is looking down on them). It has been suggested that the pale spots and lines on their backs act as camouflage. Each whale shark has its own unique pattern of spots (behind its gills and above its pectoral fin) that can be used, along with size, sex and scar marks, to identify individual whale sharks.

Interesting fact! – The whale shark has the thickest Dermal layer (skin) in the animal kingdom, up to 14cm thick!  – which is fortunate, as the increased shipping and boating traffic across the ocean poses a serious threat to any marine life in their direct path. Deep scars, gouges and even missing fins are often noted while encountering these docile creatures.

Remarkably, neither mating nor pupping of the world’s largest fish has been observed!… although, she’s a “mega-mumma”!
It has been found that they are ovoviviparous (producing eggs that are hatched within the body, so that the offspring are born alive but without placental attachment), with the females giving birth to live young 40 to 60 cm long. Evidence has suggested that around 300 embryos are at different stages of development and so the ‘pups’ are not all born at once, but rather the female retains sperm from one mating and produces a steady stream of pups over a prolonged period.
A young whale shark, Ningaloo Reef - Blue Media 2014

Sharks have existed for over 350 million years, evolving over 100 million years before the dinosaurs did. It has been suggested that the whale shark has been around for the past 60 million years, yet there is much that is unknown of the world’s largest shark. Their filter-feeding system is likely to be the greatest evolutionary element for them, since only three species of shark are actually filter-feeding organisms.
Recent studies have relied almost exclusively on mark–recapture data from photo-identification to estimate population size, age structure and survival rates of this mysterious creature.
Some individuals do return semi-regularly to the same aggregation site over time, but where they go and what they do in between is largely unknown. It is believed that they tend to stay within equatorial waters, possibly following currents and patterns of food production (such as coral spawnings). Information collected by tracking devices and satellite telemetry has provided some insights on short-term movements. However, a major issue with some of the radio-transmitting tracking devices that are used is that they only transmit a signal when at the surface. The issue is, that whale sharks are fish – they do not require to come to the surface to breathe, and so may not transmit reliable data.
Their large size and apparently slow reproductive rates suggest a particular vulnerability to overexploitation and rapid environmental change. Whale sharks appear to have a high dispersal capacity, and so an ocean-wide approach is necessary for the understanding and management of these ecologically important species.


Ocean Wanderers - Whale Shark Documentary

This documentary goes for ~28mins: to cut it down a bit for you, I suggest at least watching: 0:52–3:15; 9:30-10:10, 13:52–18.15, 19:45-(feeding)-20:37; 24:50-(breeding)-26:58. I was very pleased to see the emphasis made on education for future generations to “protect and nurture”.

This documentary follows the story of the Research trip off the coast of Qatar undertaken by the Maersk Oil Research and Technology Centre (MO-RTC) in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment's Whale Shark Research Project. Amongst the towering structures beneath the oil rigs is a gathering place for giant fish, a wonder of the world's oceans: Whale sharks, the largest known extant fish species. All the footage was captured on the Red Epic and, as such, has captured the majestic nature of these mysterious ocean wanderers.

A previous “job” of mine for a few years was to help deliver the “experience of a lifetime” in encountering and swimming with these majestic creatures in the wild. I have been blessed with uncountable
I have also been fortunate enough to guide for, assist and work alongside some of the world’s leading experts on whale sharks on a few research expeditions.
Whale shark and Encounter II - 2014 season, Coral Bay - Migration Media
It was really hard for me to sort through my own ‘references’ of images and footage (I have personal permission to share). These short films, made by (and featuring) my friends and colleagues on the Ningaloo Reef, will hopefully provide insight and enjoyment.


Ningaloo Reef Dive - Whale Shark Adventure | Swim with Whale Sharks Ningaloo Reef - migration media


Ningaloo Reef Whale Sharks, Exmouth, Western Australia - westernaustralia

Another short video to give you a taste of a ‘Coral Coast’ experience which also features a few other Coral Coast crew members, including some fury ones! (I also used to work with this charter company featured: Ocean Eco Adventures J)

Bradshaw CJA, Mollet HF, Meekan MG (2007) Inferring population trends for the world’s largest fish from mark–recapture estimates of survival. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 480–489.
Colman, J. (1997). A review of the biology and ecology of the whale shark. Journal of Fish Biology, 51(6), 1219-1234.
Joung, S., Chen, C., Clark, E., Uchida, S., & Huang, W. (1996). The whale shark, rhincodon typus, is a livebearer: 300 embryos found in one 'megamamma' supreme. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 46(3), 219-223.
Stewart, B. S., & Wilson, S. G. (2005). Threatened fishes of the world: Rhincodon typus (smith 1828) (rhincodontidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 74(2), 184-185.
Wilson SG, Polovina JJ, Stewart BS, Meekan MG (2006) Movements of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) tagged at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Marine Biology, 148, 1157–1166.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Coral = animal + plant!

Most of us fortunate enough to have had exposure to coral reefs, have come to recognise that a special relationship is involved.

Corals are essentially anemone-like animals that secrete a skeleton whilst living in a symbiotic relationship with algae. A single unit is called a polyp; collectively they form a coral colony. Most corals that make up coral reefs, such as the Ningaloo Reef in W.A., are colonial.

The general structure of a polyp and underlying skeleton. Painting: Geoff Kelly
A schematic representation of general structure of a polyp and its underlying skeleton.
Painting: Geoff Kelly – Australian Institute of Marine Science, 2013.

The coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds they need for photosynthesis. In return, zooxanthellae supply the coral with the products of photosynthesis and help it to remove wastes. The mutualistic relationship between the algae and coral polyp facilitates a tight recycling of nutrients in the fairly nutrient-poor waters of the tropics.

The success of the symbiotic relationship between these ‘hard’ corals (an animal) with zooxanthellae algae (a plant) to harness the energy of the sun, powers the process of reef-building.
Why do these organisms invest so much energy into building something that is dead? That is, the calcium carbonate skeleton of the polyp which makes up the reef foundation. - One aspect is that these skeletons provide the necessary structure that is needed to form colonies, which are required to build large wave-resistant reefs.

Colony formation and algal symbiosis are two evolutionary innovations that clearly go together and have very likely evolved in conjunction. The importance of this is verified by the fact that most living Cnidaria (the Phylum which includes corals) that reap the advantages of reef-building, are both colonial and symbiotic.
It is not necessarily what species of plant and animal, but the relationship between them is what is critical to what are the most prominent modern reef-builders.
This specific symbiotic relationship allows the limitless resources of seawater carbonates and sunlight to be harnessed and harvested to construct an ecosystem.
In effect, this special relationship allows reefs to be built by animals because it gives them the energy-generating capacity of plants.

Undoubtedly, the evolutionary advantage of this symbiosis is prominent, but the cost is also great. These zooxanthellate corals are limited to the most hostile of marine environments, the ocean’s surface, both physically and biologically. This symbiosis also constrains corals to live in habitats in high competition with macroalgae. Coral-algae symbiosis is therefore ultimately responsible for the geographic constraints of coral reefs, as well as their construction.

This short video gives a brief introduction to coral anatomy and the importance of coral reefs in simple terms. With its cute cartoon animations, it is a cry out for coral reef peril and sends a great message advocating for coral reef conservation.

·         Baird, A., Cumbo, V., Leggat, W., & Rodriguez-Lanetty, M. (2007) Fidelity and flexibility in coral symbioses. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 347, 307-309.
·         Marine Pollution Bulletin (2004) Coral symbiosis under the spotlight. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49(7-8), 529-529.
·         Rowan, R., & Knowlton, N. (1995) Intraspecific diversity and ecological zonation in coral-algal symbiosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92(7), 2850-2853.

·         Veron, J.E.N. (2013) coral info sheets, Australian Institute of Marine Science, viewed April 2013, < >.